

Information for clients according to the Financial Services Act (FinSA)

On 1 January 2020, the Federal Act of 15 June 2018 on Financial Services (Financial Services Act, FinSA) entered into force, the primary aim of which is to enhance protection for clients and investors. We comply with the disclosure requirements under the FinSA by providing the following information. You will already be familiar with much of this information, irrespective of the FinSA, from contractual documentation, brochures or the Bank's website.

Information concerning the Bank

Baumann & Cie KmG is a Swiss private bank with headquarters in Basel, which was founded in 1920. The limited partnership is managed by two members who bear unlimited personal liability.


As the holder of a banking licence, the bank Baumann & Cie KmG is subject to the Swiss Federal Act of 8 November 1934 on Banks and Savings Banks (Banking Act, BankA) and is supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.


Contact details:
Baumann & Cie KmG
St. Jakob-Strasse 46
PO Box
4002 Basel
+41 61 279 41 41


Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA

Laupenstrasse 27
3003 Bern
+41 31 327 91 00

Information concerning the ombudsman

The Bank's aim is to be an excellent partner for you. Please let us know if you are dissatisfied with us in any way. We shall endeavour to meet with your needs under the specific circumstances. If we are unable to do so, you have the option of complaining to a neutral mediation body at no cost to yourself, which will attempt to resolve the matter amicably.


The contact information of the mediation body is as follows:

Swiss Banking Ombudsman
Bahnhofplatz 9
PO Box
8021 Zurich 

Financial services and financial instruments

In order to conclude a contract and for financial services to be provided, you must be familiar with the risks associated with dealing in financial instruments.


The Bank provides financial services in the form of discretionary asset management, portfolio-related investment advice, and the pure execution and transmission of client orders (execution-only). In accordance with the FinSA, the Bank does not perform a suitability review in relation to execution-only orders. The Bank shall not draw attention to this again on the occasion of execution-only orders. Any orders placed with the Bank by external asset managers will be treated for these purposes as execution-only orders.


You make your own decision concerning the investment strategy in relation to discretionary asset management and portfolio-related investment advice. The strategic risk is embodied in the level of anticipated fluctuation in value and the likelihood of suffering a loss. The greater the risk, the more ambitious the target returns for a strategy are.


Further features along with information about how financial services and financial instruments work, the resulting risks, and your rights and duties are set out in the brochure entitled Risks involved in trading financial instruments. Upon request, your client advisor will provide you with a hard copy of the brochure.


In addition, the key information document (KID) for the relevant financial instrument is provided to retail clients within the meaning of the FinSA where particular financial instruments are personally recommended within the context of an advisory mandate and prior to the implementation of execution-only orders. The KID contains a summary of the key features and characteristics of the financial instrument concerned, such as costs, risks and earnings prospects. You will not receive a KID for every single financial instrument. Typical financial instruments for which a KID must be provided include fund units, structured products and options. Equivalent documents may be used in place of the KID, such as so-called packaged retail investment and insurance-based products (PRIIPs). These are the EU counterpart to the Swiss KIDs.


KIDs or PRIIPs for individual financial instruments may be downloaded free of charge from the Bank's website before purchasing or subscribing to the financial instrument concerned. Please let us know if you do not have the possibility to access the KIDs via this link before placing your purchase order. In this case, we will provide you the KID in an alternative way. If we are unable to provide you with the KID in person before you place your purchase order, we may, with your consent, provide you with the KID after you place your order. The KID belonging to execution-only orders will be handed over to you personally or sent to you electronically or by post as the case may be. The provision of the KID after the order has been placed is generally possible within the scope of execution-only orders with your consent.


As provided for under the FinSA, the Bank does not provide KIDs to the clients of external asset managers.


The Bank will be pleased to provide a KID upon request for any financial instruments that have one.


Please do not hesitate to contact your client advisor if you have any questions concerning the risks associated with financial services and financial instruments.

Key Information Documents

As clients of Baumann & Cie, Banquiers, you can use this link to access key information documents on individual financial instruments.

Learn more

For any charges or fees arising, please refer to the brochure entitled "Our services and conditions" before concluding a contract or before the financial service is provided.

Conflicts of Interest

The Bank is operated on a for-profit basis. This fact alone does not imply any conflict of interest between the client and the Bank. However, situations may arise within banking under which the Bank has the opportunity to procure a benefit for itself through its own actions to the detriment of the interests of clients.


The Bank has taken appropriate organizational precautions through which financial and non-financial conflicts of interest and any adverse consequences for you are avoided or limited. Should any conflicts of interest arise that cannot be prevented by these precautions, we will explain to you the circumstances under which they arise, the disadvantages involved for you as well as any steps taken by us to mitigate them.

Considered market supply and economic ties

Within the ambit of discretionary asset management and investment advice, the Bank takes account of the financial instruments of third-party providers, including financial instruments issued in the name of the Bank, for which it acts as the asset manager, or in the asset manager of which it participates, and financial instruments, such as structured products, that are arranged by the Bank and issued by third parties.

Compensation by third parties

Baumann & Cie purchases and recommends primarily financial instruments for which no third-party compensation is paid.


It cannot be excluded that individual financial instruments that the Bank purchases or recommends as part of an investment strategy are only available subject to compensation. Depending upon the issuer and investor category, the Bank may be compensated by distribution commissions, portfolio commissions, rebates and transaction commissions. Such compensation may reach the following maximum annual limits, as a percentage of the assets: money market funds: 0.5 per cent, bond funds: 1.0 per cent, equity funds: 2.0 per cent, other investment funds such as investment strategy funds, commodity funds, alternative investment funds: 2.0 per cent, structured products: 2.0 per cent of the issue price.


For example, if a portfolio worth CHF 1,000,000 is invested at 5.0 per cent, i.e. for CHF 50,000, in a structured product, the Bank could receive such compensation amounting to a maximum of 2.0 per cent of the invested amount. Analogously to this calculation and, if necessary, with reference to the specific product information, the client can determine the compensations with respect to corresponding financial instruments and compare these with the other fees to be expected or charged.


It is contractually agreed that the compensation mentioned above will accrue to the Bank.

Best Execution

The Bank shall ensure that the best possible result in financial, time and quality terms is achieved in the execution of your orders.


Valid from 6 June 2023